It's been a while since I've added a new blog post.
I have a couple of book reviews ready to post but have to wait until nearer the publication date. I have actually now read all the books on my NetGalley shelf! It's difficult not to keep requesting books as there are so many with intriguing descriptions. I really want to request them but I know I am likely to be busy between now and the Christmas holidays.
In the meantime I'll mention a few more books I've read - some for review and some simply for pleasure.
Thanksgiving by Mary R Arno

The book is set in Louisiana and begins in 1965 when the three principal characters are still girls, all from different backgrounds. We then get glimpses of them at various stages in their lives until an unexpected and shocking event decades later.
Mary R Arno cleverly shows how their lives and the lives of those around them all come to interconnect over the years and how the lies and deceits of the past lead to a shocking end.
The main events all take place around the Thanksgiving holiday.
I liked the (slightly) unusual device where the story is told in a third person narrative but then it changes to a first person voice so that we get the particular character's thoughts on the situation in more detail.
I found it easy to
imagine the characters and locations and the believable dialogue
flowed smoothly - a really well written book.
It's not a long book. I read it immediately after struggling through the 900 + page book. Thanksgiving was the perfect antidote.
Author's website:
Published: 26 November 2015
Author's website:
Published: 26 November 2015
According to Yes by Dawn French
I was lucky enough to win a copy of Dawn French's new book from Good Housekeeping Book Room on Facebook.
It made a change having a physical hardcover book rather than a kindle edition. Although it's nice to be able to turn pages it did take up more room in my bag (I like to read on bus journeys) and I think I appreciate the kindle app on my phone and tablet even more now.
This was quite a funny book. You could definitely 'hear' Dawn French's voice. I wasn't sure at first if I was going to like it, but it grew on me.
Rosie Kitto is a 38 year old primary school teacher who takes a job as nanny to a wealthy Manhattan Family. The matriarch has very fixed ideas of what is acceptable and suitable and what is not. Rosie proceeds to break all the rules and tries to bring some fun into the family's life.
The book is way over the top and into the realms of farce but it kept me entertained for a day!
More short reviews to follow ......
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